All fees are in Canadian Dollars & do not include applicable taxes (5% GST).

Early bird cutoff date: November 20, 2023
To receive the early bird rate, registration and payment must be received by November 20, 2023

Please review our Registration Terms and Conditions for our cancellation policy, payment policies and more. You must agree to our Terms and Conditions to register for a workshop or conference.

Full-Time Student Rates & Workshop Aide

Full-Time Students

If you are a Full-Time Student – enrolled in a minimum of 3 courses or 9 credits, then you will be eligible for the Student Rate. Masters, PhD, and Co-op programs are eligible as long as there are over 100+ hours in-class time per semester.

To receive the student rate please email a letter of enrolment from your school’s registrar (clearly stating full-time status) to

Once documentation has been confirmed, your price will be adjusted to reflect the discount.

Workshop Aide

We are accepting workshop aides for all 3 days of the conference.

More information on the workshop aide program can be found here:

Workshop aides receive a $290.00 discount on their registration fee. To apply to be a workshop aide please contact us at

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